Manage Your Care

Share My Health Data
View data from your health tracking devices all in one place and share it with your VA care team. Quick Features

VA: Health and Benefits
Manage existing VA claims and appointments, securely message your VA health care providers, and more. Quick Features

Biometric sign-in
- Use your phone’s built-in security features—like fingerprint and face recognition—to securely access your information.
Health care tools
- Refill and track your VA prescriptions
- Send and receive secure messages from your VA health care team
- Review appointments and add them to your calendar
- Get your records for VA vaccines, such as COVID-19
Benefits tools
- Check your disability rating
- Review your claim or appeal status
- Submit evidence for your claim or appeal
- Download common VA letters
Payments tools
- Review payments we’ve sent you
- Update your direct deposit information
Facility locator
- Find VA facilities and services near you
Veterans Crisis Line
- Get quick access to the VA Crisis Line

Annie for Veterans
Receive automated text messages for self-care including medication reminders, tips to reduce stress, and more. Quick Features

- Send and receive messages securely about your health data and readings
- Get automated appointment reminders
- Graph the data you have sent through Annie for easy tracking
- Receive announcements and messages about your VA medical facility
- Receive educational and motivational messages to help keep working toward health care goals

VA Health Chat
Connect with a VA staff member in as little as 60 seconds. Quick Features

- Chat with VA staff at select locations when you have nonurgent health questions
- Get help finding your closest VA facility and refilling a VA prescription

VA Pressure Ulcer Resource
Learn how to prevent and track pressure ulcers and injuries to help manage your daily care. Quick Features

- Create journal entries to track your pressure ulcers/injuries
- Set reminders to move, eat and take medications
- Get background information about ulcers/injuries, and tips for daily care and prevention
- Watch videos to learn about pressure ulcers/injuries and safely repositioning
- Create a list of questions to ask in your next appointment
- Get immediate help and locate nearby medical facilities

Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry
Complete a health questionnaire and access information and resources for deployment-related exposures. Quick Features

- Review additional information about burn pits and health care resources
- Review your completed questionnaire with information about your exposures to airborne hazards (such as smoke from burn pits, oil-well fires, or pollution during deployment) as well as other exposures and health concerns
- Print or download your completed questionnaire
Achieve Your Health Goals

Live Whole Health
Support your health and well-being with care centered around what matters most to you. Quick Features

- Fill out your personal health inventory
- Set personal health goals
- Learn more about VA’s Whole Health approach

Insomnia Coach
Access a guided weekly training plan, an interactive sleep diary, and other tools to help track and improve sleep. Quick Features

- Education about coping during the pandemic
- Tools for self-care and to improve emotional well-being
- Trackers to check your mood and measure your growth toward personal goals
- Graphs to visualize progress over time

Receive tools to support self-care and mental wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Quick Features

- Education about coping during the pandemic
- Tools for self-care and to improve emotional well-being
- Trackers to check your mood and measure your growth toward personal goals
- Graphs to visualize progress over time

Develop healthier drinking habits using motivational tools, stress management techniques, and other support resources. Quick Features

- Set personal goals to stop or cut back on drinking
- Track your progress and stay motivated with customized tools
- Learn about how alcohol use relates to PTSD symptoms
- Practice self-help tools to cope with your emotions without drinking
- Find resources to connect with people who can help in a crisis or when you need support

Deliver quality care to women Veterans by learning about their specific health care needs. Quick Features

- Get screening and treatment guidelines for women Veterans who have experienced Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Military Sexual Trauma (MST)
- Learn which particular health issues and conditions are common to each era of service, including the Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan wars
- Share helpful resources with women Veterans who are transitioning to civilian life

Preconception Care
Find resources and information to support integrating preconception care into primary care for women Veterans. Quick Features

- Access tips to help you talk about planning for or preventing pregnancy
- Find talking points to guide your discussions with Veterans
- Discover services and programs from VA and other organizations to share with Veterans

MOVE! Coach
Complete a 16-week nutrition and exercise program for weight management. Quick Features

- Self-Management Modules – Build weight management skills through maintaining a healthy diet and staying active. Each module contains specific activities and worksheets as well as a summary. Complete one module per week over a 16-week period.
- Trackers – Keep a daily weight diary and track your progress on dietary, physical activity and weight loss goals.
- Tools – Use Calculation Tools to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI), exercise intensity, calories burned, and activity-to-step conversions. Use Manage Stress Tools to keep your mental health on the right track.
- Support – Share your progress on social media, challenge your friends to build healthier habits, and read success stories from other MOVE! Coach users.
- Resources – Access additional information on weight management, nutrition and other health resources.

Exposure Ed
Delivers information and resources on military exposures and related VA policies and programs to health care providers in an accessible and user-friendly format. Quick Features

- Learn about exposures
- Access tips for communicating risk to the Veterans in your care
- Find exposure-related programs and benefits offered by VA

CBT-i Coach
Receive supplemental support for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i) and learn strategies to improve sleep. Quick Features

- Education about CBT-i and how sleep works
- Tips to help develop positive sleep routines and improve sleep environments
- Sleep diary to track wake and sleep times
- Tools to help relax while getting ready for sleep or when trying to go back to sleep

Stay Quit Coach
Create a personalized plan to quit smoking and access resources for staying smoke-free. Quick Features

- Set goals for cutting back or quitting tobacco
- Log use of multiple tobacco products in real-time
- Track your progress over time
- Develop personalized coping plans to manage urges
- Work with a breathing tool to manage stress
- Learn strategies for managing lapses
- Access resources for getting support
Connect With Your Care Team

Immediately email or text message a VA Video Connect (VVC) link to a patient and join the visit. Quick Features

- Email or text message a VA Video Connect link
- Start a video visit from within VVC Now

VA Video Connect
Meet with VA health care providers through live video on any computer, tablet, or mobile device with an internet connection. Quick Features

- Participate in secure video appointments with your VA providers
- Chat with your VA care team

Ask a Pharmacist
Access trusted information about VA pharmacies, prescription labels, medications, and more. Quick Features

- Find out what services My HealtheVet Pharmacy offers
- Learn how to read prescription labels and identify pills by sight
- Read information from VA trusted medication resources
- Find out how VA Pharmacies operate and locate a nearby facility

My VA Images
Securely send photos and videos to your VA provider to receive care without visiting a facility. Quick Features

- Receive care from your VA provider in the convenience of your home or on the go.
- Securely upload requested photos and videos for your VA provider to review.
- Respond to your VA provider’s requests for photos and videos.
- Send updated information to your VA provider about your condition.
- Review comments and guidance from your VA provider about the photos and videos you submitted.

VA Online Scheduling
Request, schedule, and track your appointments at VA and Community Care facilities online. Quick Features

- Schedule and request appointments at VA facilities online
- Request Community Care appointments
- View your upcoming appointments and video visits
- Cancel appointments if necessary
- Join video visits through VA Video Connect
- Look up past appointments from the last 2 years
- Download appointment information to your personal calendar
Improve Your Mental Health

WellWithin Coach
Explore tools to help navigate common challenges for women. Quick Features

Veterans Wellness Path
Increase balance and connection for American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans. Quick Features

Pain Coach
Use in-depth education, customizable support, and in-the-moment practice activities based on the latest in pain management to help manage chronic pain. Quick Features

- Daily check-ins for tracking emotions and coping strategies
- 12 levels of activities to help you manage pain and improve your life
- A multimedia journal for collecting useful information and reflections
- A step-by-step guide for identifying your pain support network
- Trackers for pain and mood symptoms

Concussion Coach
Learn and practice healthy activities that can improve your concussion symptoms. Quick Features

- Daily check-ins with Bean, your personalized concussion guide
- Suggested activities and tools to help manage your concussion symptoms
- Screeners for concussion and PTSD
- Trackers for goals, concussion symptoms, pain, and self-compassion
- Education about concussion, including what to expect and what may change over time
- Resources for concussion and related conditions

Safety Plan
Create a custom step-by-step action plan to keep yourself safe when experiencing thoughts about suicide or self-harm. Quick Features

- Create a custom step-by-step action plan to keep yourself safe during a crisis
- Make a list of your own personal reasons to live (and add photo and video reminders!)
- Try different coping strategies when you feel like you're heading towards a crisis
- Access crisis support resources, like the Veterans Crisis Line
- Track your mood and other mental health symptoms
- Set personal goals and track your progress

MHA for Veterans
Take a variety of mental health assessments from the comfort and convenience of home. Quick Features

- Complete assigned assessments from your VA care team
- View completed assessments
- View a graph of multiple completed assignments

Beyond MST
Find coping tools and free resources to work through challenges associated with Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Quick Features

- Learn about common challenges related to MST and skills and resources that can help
- Use over 30 tools to help you cope with problems, reduce distress and improve your quality of life
- Take brief assessments to understand your symptoms and beliefs (how you think about the world)
- Track your progress toward recovery goals
- Find new sources of support and read inspiring messages from other sexual trauma survivors

Couples Coach
Explore ways to connect with your partner to improve communication and satisfaction in your relationship. Quick Features

- Send notes and questions to your partner
- Work through relationship-building missions
- Use tools to help you address relationship challenges
- Track progress toward becoming a stronger, healthier couple

PTSD Family Coach
Access self-care tools and receive support for living with someone who has PTSD. Quick Features

- Information about PTSD and how it affects those who care about someone with PTSD
- Tips to help families better support a loved one with PTSD, and themselves
- Information on how to find counseling
- Facts about counseling for individuals or couples managing PTSD in a relationship
- Tools to help family members manage stress

Mindfulness Coach
Learn how to practice mindfulness to reduce stress and improve emotional balance. Quick Features

- Education about the benefits of mindfulness
- Mindfulness exercises to practice on your own or with guidance
- Strategies to help overcome challenges to mindfulness practice
- Log of mindfulness exercises to track your progress
- Reminders to support your mindfulness practice

Improve your emotional well-being and relationships with interactive tools for understanding and relieving trauma symptoms. Quick Features

- In-depth information about Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR)
- Interactive tools for emotion and behavior management
- Mood journal and symptom assessments to track emotions, mood, and PTSD symptoms
- Customizable reminders
- Quick links to support

AIMS for Anger Management
Track, address, and manage anger to reduce frustration and feel in control. Quick Features

- A personalized anger control plan
- Unique, interactive tools designed to help prevent or manage feelings of anger
- Customized anger management tools using voice memos, songs or images
- Tools for tracking your symptoms with tailored feedback about your symptoms and progress
- Easy and quick access to more extensive support resources, such as the Veterans' Crisis Line and 911

CPT Coach
Enhance your Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) treatment for PTSD with these support materials. Quick Features

- Education about CPT
- Mobile versions of the CPT worksheets and reading assignments
- PTSD symptom tracking
- Practice plan to help you keep track of assignments
- Reminders to complete homework and attend sessions

ACT Coach
Practice lessons learned during Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in your daily life. Quick Features

- Information about what Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is and how it works
- 6 Critical Mindfulness Practice Exercises including Mindful Breathing, Mindful Walking, Mindful Eating, Observing Thoughts, Observing Sensations, and Observing Emotions
- Interactive Tools to Facilitate Values-Based Living, including assistance identifying values, developing a list of personal actions to support those values, and tips and reminders to help patients stay motivated to work towards living those values
- Tools to track your mindfulness practice and coping strategies

PTSD Coach
Access tools, educational resources, and self-assessments to help manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD. Quick Features

- Reliable information on PTSD and treatments that work
- Tools for screening and tracking your symptoms
- Convenient, easy-to-use tools to help you handle stress symptoms
- Direct links to support and help

PFA Mobile
Access resources for responders who provide psychological first aid (PFA) as part of a response effort. Quick Features

- Review PFA fundamentals
- Find PFA interventions matched to the specific concerns and needs of survivors
- Discover tips for practicing PFA in the field
- Access a self-assessment tool for readiness to conduct PFA

PE Coach
Supplement your Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy sessions with exercises and techniques to alleviate PTSD symptoms. Quick Features

- Education about PE therapy and common reactions to trauma
- Ability to record your PE therapy session as an audio file on your mobile device
- Reminders to complete homework
- Tools to keep track of tasks you did between sessions
- Ability to track your PTSD symptoms over time
- Guidance for breathing retraining - ways to change your breathing that help reduce your stress